Special Issue: Forest use and management



In view of the importance of disseminating scientific knowledge about use and management of forest ecosystems, and the space represented for this purpose by the journals included in the Sistema de Clasificación deRevistas Mexicanas de Ciencia y Tecnología (CRMCYT) of the Secretaría de Ciencia, Humanidades, Tecnología e Innovación (SECIHTI), and in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) index , the following is a call for papers to participate in the Special Issue: “Use and Management of Forest Ecosystems” of the journal Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios (ERA).

Under the following considerations:

1. Papers will be received in the form of scientific articles and scientific notes, original and unpublished, on the following topics:

  • Forest management
  • Ecology of forest ecosystems
  • Wood technology
  • Traditional uses of forest ecosystem's species
  • Soils of forest ecosystems

2. Contributions should be written according to the ERA Guide for Authors, according to the journal template (https://era.ujat.mx/index.php/rera ) and sent through ERA's OJS webpage. In addition, a letter of originality and a request for possible publication signed by authors should be attached, specifying that the contribution is submitted for the Special Issue “Use and Management of Forest Ecosystems”, which should also be indicated in “Comments for the editor” of the journal's OJS webpage.

3. The editorial process will be subject to the following schedule:

  • Release of the call: March 1, 2025.
  • Reception: From opening to April 30, 2025
  • Peer review: February 15 to June 30, 2025
  • Attention to comments: July 1 to August 15, 2025
  • Observations in final version: August 16 to September 15, 2025
  • Typesetting and galley proofs: September 16 to October 30, 2025
  • Publication of the Special Issue: December 2025

ERA follows a continuous publication pattern, so it is possible that some articles may comply with its editorial process and be published before December 2025.

4.  All authors must adhere to the schedule, since the special issue will be processed directly on the OJS platform, so there will be no extensions; therefore, those authors who do not comply with the above, will be left out of the special issue. Those authors whose contributions are accepted with corrections, but have a extended correction process, may opt to be included in regular issues of the journal.

5. The cost of publication of accepted scientific articles and scientific notes will be $3,200.00 M.N. (three thousand two hundred Mexican pesos 00/100), this amount may vary according to the policies or changes in the administration of the Institution. This fee must be paid once the contribution is accepted. In case an invoice is required, the formats and requirements will be sent together with the galley proof.