Mucuna pruriens seeds given in broiler diets on growth performance and carcass yield
The aim of this study was to evaluated the effect of soaked Mucuna pruriens (MP) seeds in tap water, acid or alkaline solution + cooking on its L-Dopa content and on the productive performance of broiler chickens. Ninety-six sexed chicks aged 21-days old with an initial live weight of 720 ± 80 g were used. Four diets were used, a control without MP (C) and three diets including 25 % MP: a) soaked MP in tap water + cooking (WMP); b) soaked MP in acetic acid solution + cooking (AAMP); c) soaked MP in calcium hydroxide solution + cooking (CHMP). The alkaline treatment reduced 71 % of L-Dopa in comparison to acid or water treatment (53 % and 41 % respectively). In the starter phase, the acid group had the lowest live weight gain (p<0.05) and highest feed conversion ratio when compared to control (p<0.05). Productive performance of birds fed with CHMP and C group was similar (p>0.05). In the finisher phase, there was not statistical difference in feed intake, live weight gain and feed conversion ratio among treatments (p>0.05). No differences were observed in carcass yield (p>0.05), but, the birds fed MP or AAMP had a heavier liver than birds on C group (p<0.05). Results shown that 25 % of CHMP can be used as feedstuff for broiler chickens without negative effects in their productive performance.
Keywords: Velvet bean, L-Dopa, Poultry, weight gain.
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