About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios is an international journal published every four months in December, April and August. It publishes original and previously unpublished Scienti c Articles, Scienti c Notes and Review Articles, from researchers of any national or international educational institution or research center, in an electronic and printed open access format. The journal's aim is to create a space for discussion and dissemination of results and advances of original and unpublished research on the topics of Agronomic Sciences, Animal Science, Environmental Science, Wildlife, Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecology.

The journal is in the Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI), SciELO Citation Index, Sistema de Clasi cación de Revistas Mexicanas de Ciencia y Tecnología, SciELO México, Latindex, Redalyc, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Ebsco, Actualidad Iberoamericana, Dialnet, Periódica, Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico, biblat, Open Science Directory, and CAPES, among others.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts must be submitted through the journal's website http://era.ujat.mx , including a cover letter signed by the authors stating that the work is original, unpublished and that it is not in the process of being reviewed in another journal. Manuscripts are received in English or Spanish; in the case of articles written in English where the mother tongue of the authors is not English, a translation certificate from Oxford Science Editing, Proofreading services or American Journal Experts must be submitted. The review articles are requested by the Editorial Committee from leading specialists in the topics addressed in the journal, while the special issues are published at the discretion of the Editorial Committee. All manuscripts without exception are subject to editorial review and the peer review process through the double-blind system, by two or three specialists in the area. The authors can suggest reviewers of recognized prestige, which can be considered by the Editors in the review process.

When the research was conducted with animals, the approval of the corresponding body (in most cases, an Institutional Review Board or Ethics Committee) must be obtained. The authors must include a statement in the Materials and Methods section detailing the complete information corresponding to the approval (including the name of the organization that granted it and the reference numbers). If no approval was obtained, the authors must include a statement explaining why it was not needed. Authors are encouraged to follow the ARRIVE (“Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments) guidelines developed by NC3Rs. In the case of sending manuscripts that include a list of collected or reviewed specimens, the access number and the name of the scientific collection or museum where they are deposited must be included. The establishment of new taxa and the scientific names cited must comply with international nomenclature codes.

Publicaron Frequency

Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios is an international journal published every four months in December, April and August.

Journal History

Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios is a multidisciplinary journal that has been edited quarterly by the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco since 2014.