Management and welfare of working equids in the Guerrero state


  • Eduardo Ezequiel Robledo Reyes
  • Mariano Hernandez Gil
  • Saúl Rojas Hernández
  • Luis Miguel Camacho Diaz
  • Moises Cipriano Salazar
  • Abel Villa Mancera
  • Jaime Olivares Pérez Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria Veterinaria Universidad Autónoma de Guerreero



The management of farm work equids in Guerrero, Mexico was described and related to animal welfare. Sixty-four equids owners were randomly surveyed. Horses were used more than donkeys and mules. The 89% of owners worked the animals before 5 years of age. Only 5% provide helmet management. The 83% of breeders provide living space >4 m2 . In 53% of the units animals socialize. The 45% of breeders feed on forage and grain. The 59% of breeders give access to water 2-4 portions / day and 41% ad libitum. Deworming is partial (44%) and not vaccine is applied. The common diseases are skin lesions (84%), digestive system disorders (77%), respiratory (59%) and locomotor (44%). In conclusion, the management of equids compromises their well-being in different ways, reducing their quality of life.


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How to Cite

Robledo Reyes, E. E., Gil, M. H., Rojas Hernández, S., Camacho Diaz, L. M., Cipriano Salazar, M., Villa Mancera, A., & Olivares Pérez, J. (2020). Management and welfare of working equids in the Guerrero state. Ecosistemas Y Recursos Agropecuarios, 7(2).

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