Synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and its effect on Raphanus sativus seedlings


  • Eduardo Arón Flores-Hernández Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro
  • Ricardo Hugo Lira Saldivar Center for Research in Applied Chemistry
  • Norma Angélica Ruiz Torres Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University
  • Josué Israel García López Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University
  • Alejandro Moreno Reséndez Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University
  • Norma Rodríguez Dimas Departamento de Ciencias Básicas. Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro Unidad Laguna
  • Pablo Preciado Rangel Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University
  • Saraí Shesareli Mendoza-Retana Universidad Politécnica De La Región. Domicilio conocido, Ejido Santa Teresa, San Pedro, Coahuila.



The potential of nanofertilizers to increase crop yields has recently
been reported. Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (nHAp) are applied as
fertilizers to plants due to their high content of P and Ca (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2),
but there is little information in this regard. The objective of the work was to
produce synthetic nHAp, characterize it and evaluate its effect as a nutrient in
the development of seedlings of radish (Raphanus sativus) variety Champion.
The synthesis of nHAp was carried out using an aqueous solution of calcium
hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] and orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4). To analyze its biological
effect, a bioassay was established with seven treatments on radish seeds with the
following concentrations: control (distilled water, T1); 25 (T2); 50 (T3); 100 (T4);
200 (T5); 500 (T6) and 1000 mg L-1 (T7); the seedlings developed up to seven
days after sowing. The results show that a concentration of 1 000 mg L-1 reduced
germination by 14.4% compared to the control treatment (0 mL-1). While the vigor
of the seedlings was reduced 11.2% with 500 mg L-1. The plumule and radicle
did not show significant differences by the treatments with respect to the control,
however, a statistical difference was observed with the doses of 25 and 200 mg
L-1, when inhibiting and promoting the growth of the seedlings, respectively. High
concentrations of nHAp were found to have adverse effects on seeds. Finally, then HAp stimulated biomass production.



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Author Biographies

  • Ricardo Hugo Lira Saldivar, Center for Research in Applied Chemistry

    Dr. Ricardo Hugo Lira Saldívar
    Biosciences and Agrotechnology

    Senior Researcher C
    SNI: Level 1
    Telephone: (844) 4389830 Ext: 1345
    Academic training
    PhD., M.C., Agronomist Engineer,
    Lines of investigation
    Agronanotechnology, Agroecology, Protected Sustainable Agriculture
    State Director of INIFAP-Coahuila, CIQA Senior Researcher
    Selected Publications
    Lira-Saldivar, RH, Méndez Argüello, B., De los Santos Villarreal, G., Vera Reyes, I. 2018. Water holding capacity of substrates containing zeolite and its effect on growth, biomass production and chlorophyll content of Solanum lycopersicum Mill. Nova Scientia, 10 (2): 45-60.
    Lira-Saldivar, R.H., Méndez Argüello, B., De los Santos Villareal, G., & Vera Reyes, I. 2018. Potential of nanotechnology in agriculture. Acta Universitaria, 28 (Online first), 1-16. doi: 10.15174 / au.2018.1575.
    Lira-Saldivar, R.H., Méndez-Argüello, B. 2018. Nanotechnology: A new scientific paradigm on agricultural production of the XXI century. Ecosist. Recur. Agropec. 5 (13): 1-2. DOI: 10.19136 / era.a5n13.1500
    Torres-Olivar, V., Ibarra-Jiménez, L., Cárdenas-Flores, A., Lira-Saldivar, R.H., Castillo-Campohermoso, M.A. 2017. Changes induced by plastic film mulches on soil temperature and their relevance in growth and fruit yield of pickling cucumber. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science, 2017.
    Ortiz-Hernández, G., Abraham-Juárez, MR, Olalde-Portugal, V., Cortez-Mazatán, GY, Soriano-Melgar, LA, Lira-Saldivar, RH, Peralta-Rodríguez, RD, Cárdenas-Flores, A. Poly (vinyl acetate) as bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) fruit coating during postharvest. AGROCHIMICA 61: (3): 2017. DOI 10.12871 / 0021857201713
    Hernández-Pérez, A., Valdés-Aguilar, L.A., Cárdenas-Flores, A., Ibarra-Jiménez, L., Méndez-Arguello, B., Vera-Reyes, I., Lira-Saldivar, R.H. 2017. Photosynthesis, growth and yield of Solanum lycopersicum as influenced by the use of microbial biofertilizers. AGROCHIMICA 61 (2): 95-109. DOI 10.12871 / 0021857201713
    Lira-Saldivar, RH, Méndez-Argüello, B., Felipe-Victoriano, M., Vera-Reyes, I., Cárdenas-Flores, A., Ibarra-Jiménez, L. 2017. Gas exchange, yield and fruit quality of Cucurbita pepo cultivated with zeolite and plastic mulch. AGROCHIMICA, 61 (2): 123-139. DOI 10.12871 / 0021857201713
    Lira-Saldivar, RH, Ponce-Zambrano, R., Ruiz-Torres, NA, Méndez-Argüello, B., Mendoza-Mendoza, E., García-Cerda, LA, Vera-Reyes, I. 2016. Synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles and its influence on seed germination and growth of Solanum lycopersicum seedlings. Wulfenia Journal, 23: 220-235
    Important Projects
    Nanofertilizers and Plant Growth Promoters for Sustainable Agriculture Using Metallic Nanoparticles and Graphenes Supporting Agency: CONACYT Project Code: 268 Amount: $ 3,750,000 pesos Validity: March 1, 2016 to January 11, 2019 Responsible: Dr. R. Hugo Lira-Saldivar
    ZnO-Cu Nanohybrids in Seed Germination and Plant Growth: A Step in the Development of Agronanotechnology Supporting Agency: CIQA Project Code: 6241 Amount: $ 200,000 pesos Validity: March 1, 2015 to December 15, 2015 Responsible: Dr. R. Hugo Lira-Saldivar
    Use of copper nanoparticles to sustainably prevent fungal diseases in tomato fruits to extend their shelf life. Supporting Organization: Fundación Produce-Coahuila, A.C. Project Code: CE00020 Amount: $ 248,000 pesos Validity: June 1, 2013 to May 30, 2014 Responsible: Dr. R. Hugo Lira-Saldivar
    Validation and technology transfer for the sustainable production of chili peppers in shadow houses and in the open field in the northern region of Coahuila Support Agency: FOMIX-Coahuila Project Code: COAH-2011-C19-163825 Amount: $ 350,000 pesos Validity: November 15, 2011 to October 30, 2012 Responsible: Dr. R. Hugo Lira-Saldivar
    Strengthening and Consolidation of the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure of the Department of Agroplastics. Support Agency: CONACYT Project Code: FI-2011-134654 Amount: $ 7.5 million pesos Validity: October 15, 2011 to October 14, 2013 Responsible: Dr. R. Hugo Lira-Saldivar
    Research, Validation, Training and Human Resources Training Unit in Agroplasticulture (UNICAP). Support Organism: CONACYT-Coahuila Mixed Funds Project Code: C-17-163874 Amount: $ 4.0 million pesos Validity: October 15, 2011 to October 14, 2013 Responsible: Dr. Luis Ibarra Jiménez and Co-responsible Dr. R. Hugo Lira-Saldivar
    Antibacterial Effectiveness of Extracts from Endemic Plants of the Arid Zones of Northern Mexico. Supporting Agency: CONACYT-Campeche Mixed Funds Project Code: C 554 Amount: $ 352,200 Validity: January 15, 2006 to December 15, 2007 Responsible: Dr. R. Hugo Lira-Saldivar
    Fungicidal and Synergistic Activity of Chitosan of Different Molecular Weights Formulated with

  • Norma Angélica Ruiz Torres, Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University

    Norma Angélica Ruiz Torres Print E-Mail

    Phytotechnical Agronomist Engineer
    MSc. Agronomy
    PhD. Agronomy
    Research Line: Production
    Study of genetic diversity, enhancement and conservation of seeds.


    Academic information

    · Post-doctorate. University of Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA. 1995-1996.
    · Doctorate of Science (PhD). Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK., USA. 1994.
    · Master of Science (MSc). Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK., USA. 1989.
    · Agricultural Phytotechnician Engineer. Autonomous Agrarian University "Antonio Narro" Saltillo, Coah., Mexico.

    Awards and distinctions

    · Teacher with PROMEP profile from 2008 to date.
    · National Researcher Level I. National System of Researchers. Period 2006-2009. Code 18961
    · Professor level VII of the Program of Incentives to the Performance of Teaching Personnel (PEDPD) in 2006; Level VI in 2008; Level V in 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2011; Level IV in 2012; Level V in 2013; Level IV in 2014 ..
    · Responsible for the Academic Body called: “Use and conservation of photogenic resources.
    · Member of the Board of Directors of UAAAN, from 2008 to date.

    Scientific production:

    • Norma Angélica Ruiz Torres, Froylán Rincón Sánchez, José Noé Martínez Ramírez, Juan Manuel Martínez Reyna and Magdalena Olvera Esquivel. 2013. CO2 production and assimilation systems in the JAGUAN variety of improved creole corn. XII International Symposium and VII National Congress of Sustainable Agriculture. Puebla, Puebla. From November 11 to 16, 2013. ISBN: 978-607-715-178-4. pp. 1872-1886.
    • Martel-Valles, J.F. A. Benavides-Mendoza, L.A. Valdez-Aguilar, A. Juárez Maldonado, N.A. Ruiz Torres. 2013. Effect of the application of produced water on the growth, the concentration of minerals and toxic compounds in tomato under green house. Journal of Environmental Protection 4: 138-146.

    Some academic scientific data:

    21 Indexed Articles, 9 Books, 22 technical reports, 58 abstracts, 58 participations in Congresses.

    Continuing education activities:

    He has participated as an organizer and speaker in the International Grain and Seed Technology Update Courses.

    Research projects:

    1. Physiological study in Creole corn from different production systems.
    2. Physiological response to increased CO2 concentration in transgenic and conventional cotton.
    3. Improved Creole corn production systems to increase seed quality.

  • Josué Israel García López, Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University

    Department of Plant Breeding. Center for Training and Development in Seed Technology. Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University Saltillo Unit

  • Alejandro Moreno Reséndez, Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University

    Professor-Researcher attached to the Department of Soils and Founder of the Laguna Unit, UAAAN. Chemical Engineer, FCQ-UA de C. Master of Science in Soils and Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences, UAAAN. Member of SNI-CONACYT, Level I. Member of the Mexican Society of Soil Science, A. C., Responsible for the Academic Body Sustainable Systems for Agricultural Production, Code: UAAAN-CA-14. Coordinator of the Academic Network for Innovation in Food and Sustainable Agriculture, sponsored by the State Council of Science and Technology and the Community of Higher Education Institutions of La Laguna (COECYT-CIESLAG). Publication of 50 scientific articles in national and international periodicals. Publication of 38 book chapters author and co-author. Principal Advisor for 45 undergraduate and 12 graduate thesis. To date, participated in 90 UAAAN research projects: 25 Director and 65 collaborator Director of 10 Special Projects, with external financing for $ 51,621,215.36. Speaker at National and International Congresses, with 12 keynotes. Member of the Arbitration Committee of 10 national and international periodicals
    ORCID: Dr. Alejandro Moreno Reséndez 0000-0001-8858-0190

  • Norma Rodríguez Dimas, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas. Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro Unidad Laguna

    Professional / Labor Path.
    In 1992, she was a consultant and seller of agrochemicals at Casa Faya; from 2000 to 2002, research collaborator, as well as coordinator and advisor of thesis at the undergraduate level, in the area of ​​horticulture and protected agriculture at the Autonomous Agrarian University "Antonio Narro" - Laguna Unit (UAAAN-UL); from 2002 to 2004, vegetable research assistant at INIFAP Laguna, as well as head of brigade and data analyst for the company Moro Ingeniería, S.C .; from 2008 to 2013, Researcher Professor "C" for a specified time in the Department of Basic Sciences of the UAAAN-UL; from 2009 to 2016, member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) Level I of CONACYT; from 2016 to date, granting of the desirable PRODEP profile; from 2013 to date, Research Professor "C" for an indeterminate time in the Department of Basic Sciences of the UAAAN-UL; From 2018 to date, Head of the Social Service Area of ​​the UAAAN-UL. Doctor in Agricultural Sciences, with a Master of Science in Agricultural Production, having completed the degree of Agricultural Engineer in Horticulture. She belonged to the National System of Researchers of CONACYT (SNINivel-I). She has participated in various research projects in the horticulture area sponsored by UAAAN - UL, serving as a collaborator and manager. Co-author of the books "Use and exploitation of organic fertilizers and safety" and "Organic Agriculture" a total of 7 book chapters. Professor - researcher "C" of the Autonomous Agrarian University "Antonio Narro" - Laguna Unit in Mexico. Coordinator and advisor of thesis work for undergraduate students since 2002 with 93 undergraduate thesis and one master's thesis. In scientific production, 22 articles in indexed journals, 6 articles in reports, participation in 22 congresses.

  • Pablo Preciado Rangel, Antonio Narro Autonomous Agrarian University

    Doctor of Sciences in Edaphology, Colegio de Postgraduados, Mexico. P r o f e s s o r - R e s e a r c h e r , Tecnológico Nacional de México/Instituto Tecnológico de Torreón, Mexico. Address: Carretera Torreón-San Pedro Km 7.5, Ejido Ana, Torreón, Coahuila, C.P. 27170. Mexico. e-mail: mx.

    ORCID iD







How to Cite

Flores-Hernández, E. A., Lira Saldivar, R. H., Ruiz Torres, N. A., García López, J. I. ., Moreno Reséndez, A., Rodríguez Dimas, N., Preciado Rangel, P., & Mendoza-Retana, S. S. (2021). Synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and its effect on Raphanus sativus seedlings. Ecosistemas Y Recursos Agropecuarios, 8(1).