Enzymatic defense and productivity of tilapia with chemical silage and bean sprout diets


  • Martha Elena Aguilera-Morales Universidad del papaloapan
  • Fabiola Hernández-Sánchez Centro de investigaciones científicas. Campus Tuxtepec
  • Mario Alberto de Jesús Domínguez-Magaña Instituto de Agroingenierías. Universidad del Papaloapan Campus Loma Bonita
  • Cynthia Magaly Antonio-Cisneros Centro de investigaciones científicas. Campus Tuxtepec
  • José Antonio Marina-Clemente 1Instituto de Agroingenierías. Universidad del Papaloapan Campus Loma Bonita




Oreochromis noloticus, growth, SOD, CAT, black bean sprouts


After 60 days of experimentation, the effect of three diets based on chemical silage (CHS) and black bean sprouts (BS) was evaluated (DC = control diet; D1 = CHS; D2 = BS; D3 = CHS+BS) on enzymatic defense (activity of superoxide dismutase, SOD, and catalase, CAT) in the liver of tilapia, and production parameters (weight gain, protein efficiency rate, survival, feed conversion factor), prior chemical characterization of CHS, BS and the experimental diets (proximate chemical analysis, amino acids, fatty acids, anti-nutritional substances, total phenols (TPH), total flavonoids (TFl) and antioxidant capacity (AC). A randomized block design was applied with three replications using 120 masculinized GIFT tilapia juveniles of average weight of 9.6 ± 0.12 g. TPH, TFlv, and AC were analyzed by Pearson, and correlation coefficient, enzymatic activity, and productive parameters were evaluated with a one-way ANOVA and a Tukey post-hoc test (95%). Survival was 100% in all treatments and there were significant differences (p<0.05) in the effect on diets. The best diet in growth and production parameters in the fish was D3, suggesting a synergy between the components of CHS and BS. This last component was a source of antioxidants that improved SOD and CAT activities, promising health promotion. D3 represents an alternative food for the growth and health promotion of tilapia, prior challenge testing and evaluation with adverse factors, and verifying its efficiency in the following growth stages under real conditions.


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How to Cite

Aguilera-Morales, M. E., Hernández-Sánchez, F., Domínguez-Magaña, M. A. de J., Antonio-Cisneros, C. M., & Marina-Clemente, J. A. (2024). Enzymatic defense and productivity of tilapia with chemical silage and bean sprout diets. Ecosistemas Y Recursos Agropecuarios, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.19136/era.a11n1.3971

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