Dogs, Ehrlichia canis, Prevalence, Nested-PCR, Yucatan-MexicoAbstract
A cross-sectional study was performed to estimate the prevalence of infection of Ehrlichia canis in dogs and to explore the factors associated with the presence of the bacteria. The study was carried out in a village in Yucatan, Mexico. Blood samples were obtained from 200 dogs. Samples were analyzed by nested-PCR to detect the presence of E. canis DNA and thrombocyte counts were calculated. One-hundred and forty of the dogs (70 %) were found to be infested with ticks. A total of 1 116 ticks were recovered and all were identi ed as Rhipicephalus sanguineus. The prevalence of E. canis infection was 69.2 %. None of the variables studied (gender, age, body condition, platelet-related bleeding, thrombocytopenia, and presence of ticks) showed association with E. canis infection. In conclusion, there is a high probability that dogs living in Yucatan, Mexico are infected with E. canis.
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