Structure and regeneration in an oyamel fir forest in a Natural Protected Area in northwestern Mexico




Coniferous Forest, damage to trees, tree diversity, altitudinal gradient, Pretzsch index


Understanding forest structure and diversity allows the development and analysis of strategies for the sustainable management of natural resources. The objective of the research was to contribute to the knowledge of tree structure, as well as its regeneration capacity in an altitudinal gradient in a Natural Protected Area in Madera, Chihuahua. The study included three altitudinal intervals: lower (2 307 to 2 466 m), middle (2 466 to 2 625 m) and upper (2 625 - 2 785 m), in which 30 circular sites of 500 m2 were distributed where the diameter and height of the upper trees were measured, as well as the density of regeneration. The vertical structure was obtained with the Pretzsch index (A), in addition, the importance value index (IVI), diversity with the Shannon-Wiener index (H') and richness with Margalef (Dmg) were evaluated, as well as the renewal capacity and damage present. The values of A show the greatest structural homogeneity in interval 2; the Pinaceae family registered the highest ecological weight in the IVI; the values of H' and Dmg were higher in stratum II, however, all are considered of low diversity and richness; the species Abies concolor and Pseudotsuga menziesii, showed the highest proportion of regeneration in the community, in which suppression is the frequent damage, however, 95% of the individuals were not affected. This information is useful for the conservation of these ecologically important communities in temperate forests.


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How to Cite

Molina-Marchan, E., Yerena-Yamallel, J. I., Alanís-Rodríguez, E., Estrada-Castillón, A. E., & Narváez-Flores, R. (2024). Structure and regeneration in an oyamel fir forest in a Natural Protected Area in northwestern Mexico. Ecosistemas Y Recursos Agropecuarios, 11(2).

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