Allometric functions of total height for tropical pines in Puebla, Mexico




Functions, Height-diameter, Models, Pinus caribaea, Plantations


Tropical pines are important because of the amount of wood they produce in short periods. However, it requires allometric functions to predict the total tree height, since it is one of the critical variables to estimate both, it is the total and commercial volume. Accordingly, we aimed to develop a local and a generalized allometric function for model the total height-diameter (h-d) relationship of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and hybrid Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis × Pinus tecunumanii in the Sierra Norte of Puebla, México. In order to analyze the relationships, 1 232 h-d pairs were used. The allometric models were fitted with three parameters totaling 80% of the data and validated with 20%. The best model had the lowest average bias, root mean square error, and Akaike’s Information Criterion, as well as of the highest adjusted coefficient of determination. The models explained over 58.55% of the variability in observed total tree height. Nonetheless, the Gompertz and Weibull models obtained the best performances in fit and validation, and estimated h of tropical pines with less uncertainty. In consequence, the fitted allometric functions are reliable for predicting tree h; therefore, it can contribute to the sustainable management of commercial tropical pine plantations in the study region.


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How to Cite

Puc-Kauil, R., Nava-Nava, A., Paredes-Díaz, E., Ruiz-Aquino, F., Gerónimo-Torres, J. del C., & Ortiz, J. (2024). Allometric functions of total height for tropical pines in Puebla, Mexico. Ecosistemas Y Recursos Agropecuarios, 11(2).

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